Spedrapid sp. z o.o.
Head Office Gdynia
ul. Śląska 35/37
81-310 Gdynia Customer Service Office
is at your disposal
from 8.00 to 15.30
(Monday to Friday)
Spedrapid sp. z o.o.
Branch Office Szczecin
Storrady - Świętosławy 1A/41
71-602 Szczecin Customer Service Office
is at your disposal
from 8.00 to 15.30
(Monday to Friday)
Spedrapid sp. z o.o.
Branch Office Katowice
ul. Mickiewicza 29
40-085 Katowice Customer Service Office
is at your disposal
from 8.00 to 15.30
(Monday to Friday)
KRS 0000178705
Regon 000143596
Share capital: 137.000,00 zł
Date of establishing the company: 22.06.1946r.